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Apple monitors its employees, their presence at the offices is mandatory under penalty of dismissal

It’s the end of teleworking on Apple premises. So that its employees are present at the offices, the Cupertino company has decided to monitor them through their badges. From now on, teleworking is authorized for a maximum of 2 days a week.

© Pixabay

During confinement, teleworking was adopted quite widely by the tech community. But since the coronavirus is behind us, companies backtrack by asking employees to return to the offices.

This is the case of Meta but also of Apple, which asks its teams to be face-to-face with 2 days of teleworking authorized per week. For these new rules to be respected, the Cupertino company has set up a spying system via employee badges.

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Apple monitors its teams via their badges

Apple is taking several steps in the face of the current crisis. In addition to new restrictions to avoid the dismissal of its employees, the Cupertino company is keeping an eye on their presence in the offices in the face of the gradual cessation of telework. For that, the company tracks the activity of its employees through their badges as journalist Zoë Schiffer tells us. In the event of repeated absences, employees expose themselves to sanctions up to and including dismissal. According to the journalist, some branches of Apple are not affected.

Apple tracks employee attendance (via badge registrations) and gives increasing warnings if they don’t come 3 times a week. At Apple, some branches say failure to comply can result in dismissal, but that doesn’t appear to be a company-wide policy.

– Zoë Schiffer

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What other measures is Apple taking?

Faced with the current economic crisis, in addition to monitoring the presence of its employees in the offices, Apple has taken big decisions. To avoid layoffs like at Meta or Microsoft, the Cupertino company has taken several decisions, including:

  • Those who receive 2 bonuses go to one for this year
  • Travel expense reports are reduced
  • Recruitment is slowed down, some branches no longer recruit at all
  • Several projects are postponed, the main ones are maintained like the iPhone 15, of course

With these measures, Apple hopes to cross more serenely the current situation.

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