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Apple TV+: fourth season for “Morning Show”, problems with “Severance”

Apple TV+ is still lagging behind big competitors like Netflix or Disney+, but regularly scores with hits that also win important prizes. These include “The Morning Show” with Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon, “Shrinking” with Jason Segel and Harrison Ford or “Severance” with Adam Scott. There is now news from Hollywood for two of the three shows.

This is how “The Morning Show” becomes, according to a report by the industry publication Variety now going into the fourth season. The series, in which the two actresses play journalists from a major US show, was one of the first Apple TV+ products and is produced at great expense. Apparently successful: Season 4 has already been ordered, while Season 3 is not yet running.

Season 2, which focused on the COVID-19 response in the US and elsewhere, ran in 2021. Accordingly, what happens in Season 4 remains unclear. From Season 3, which is due out in the fall, it is already known that new stars Jon Hamm (“Mad Men”) and Nicole Beharie (“Sleepy Hollow”) will be there. Apple is said to have invested $300 million in 20 episodes of The Morning Show. In the meantime, the iPhone group also wanted to buy Whiterspoon’s successful content company.

While “The Morning Show” relies on some soap-like entertainment, but is filmed in a high-quality way, “Severance” is considered an important mystery breakthrough for Apple. The format, which revolves around a very special workplace – the employees there don’t know who they are in private life due to an operation – dusted off prizes and received a lot of criticism due to the innovative ideas.

However, there now seems to be problems turning off the next season, which Apple has long since ordered. According to a report by the Puck News portal, there is “drama behind the scenes”, allegedly the two showrunners Mark Friedman and Dan Erickson now really hate each other, which even even before the start of the first episode. Friedman is said to have been about to jump off, but was persuaded by producer Ben Stiller to stay. In addition, there are said to be problems with the scripts and costs that are apparently too high. Apple wants at least two more seasons.


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