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Apple Watch saves a life with its blood oxygen sensor

An Apple Watch saved the life of a teenager who went skiing with his mother. The 16-year-old suffered from high altitude pulmonary edema which his mother detected through her own Apple Watch.

A ski vacation nearly turned into a nightmare for Marcella Lee and her 16-year-old son. They went skiing in Colorado, but the stay could have been deadly for the teenager. Indeed, his mother’s Apple Watch detected high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE). The teenager was immediately taken to the emergency room where he was treated.

An Apple Watch © Daniel Korpai / Unsplash

The Apple Watch regularly saves lives thanks to its various health-oriented features such as electrocardiogram (ECG) recording or even measurement of the user’s blood oxygenation rate. We must also not forget the detection of accidents. Recently, an Apple Watch Series 8 contacted emergency services on its own after a violent car accident.

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Apple Watch measured 66% blood oxygen levels in teenager

Marcella Lee told her misadventure to the American television channel Cbs8. It was not not the first time Marcella has skied with her son, so she didn’t expect him to get sick. ” We took ibuprofen, drank lots of water to stay hydrated and figured it would only take a few days to acclimatise. Friday morning my 16 year old son said he didn’t feel well enough to ski “said the mother.

That same evening, Marcella noticed that her son had blue lips and fingertips. She recalls that: it was dark and it was late and i couldn’t really tell if i was seeing things, if it was really blue “. She then remembered that her Apple Watch is able to measure blood oxygenation. Marcella immediately put her smartwatch on her son’s wrist. His blood oxygenation rate was 66%. while it must be between 95 and 100%.

At the hospital, doctors confirmed that the teenager had high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE). Fluid was already building up in his lungs. Fortunately, he was treated in time. The medical staff even explained to Marcella that her son could have slipped into a coma while he slept if she hadn’t taken him to the emergency room. Last year, a woman was also saved by her Apple Watch detecting a deadly tumor.

Source : phoneArena

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