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Apple’s Mixed Reality Headset Reportedly Stunning After ‘Huge Leap’ in Development

Apple would have made good progress on the development of its first mixed reality headset. So much so that a person who had the opportunity to test it in recent months claims to have been “blown away” by the “huge leap forward” in the development of the helmet.

The very first mixed reality headset from the Apple brand is fast approaching its launch. From June 5 to 9, Apple will present its AR / VR headset at the same time as iOS 17 at WWDC23. This event promises to be historic for Appleespecially if the helmet lives up to expectations and becomes a commercial success.

Concept of Apple’s mixed reality headset © Antonio De Rosa

So far, the leaks about the helmet weren’t exactly reassuring. Reports claimed that employees were internally concerned about the performance of the AR/VR headset. Even the design team of the helmet reportedly claimed that the helmet is not ready for release in 2023.

Apple’s Mixed Reality Headset tester claims to be ‘blown away’ by performance and experience

This is the first time we have had positive feedback on Apple’s mixed reality headset. The famous leaker Evan Blass claims to know a person who has been able to test the helmet in recent months. This person was initially unconvinced by the device that would work without an iPhone with in-air text input.

According to Evan Blass, this person ” lamented the disappointing abilities of the helmet a few months ago. Nevertheless, she is now blown away by the experience offered by the device dubbed Reality Pro. The person even claims that Apple would have made a ” huge leap forward ” In the development of the mixed reality headset. « I was so skeptical and now I’m so blown away the person said.

Of course, it is better to take these returns with a grain of salt. Apple’s mixed reality headset probably won’t be as disappointing as some fear, though. It could even be a success if Apple caught up with its development. Anyway, remember that the mixed reality headset would be sold for $3,000 in limited quantities to start. Other more affordable models are already in development at Apple.

Source : MacRumors

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