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Approve work license for menstruating people

Bernardo Uribe / Reform Agency

Tuesday, February 14, 2023 | 17:18

d cityand Mexico.- With 45 votes in favor, it was approved that menstruating people can request work leave with pay for up to three days for extreme pain when they are disabling.

The proposal amends the Federal Labor Law and the Federal Law of State Service Workers, to guarantee this license regardless of the sector that is worked, in addition to prohibiting employers from dismissing a worker for reasons of gender.

The modifications consider dysmenorrhea, or menstrual pain, as a condition that can incapacitate the person to such an extent that they cannot properly carry out their work activities.

“It is time that aspects related to menstruation cease to be a taboo subject and that menstruating people can live this period as a natural process instead of living it as a sentence, with the fear of being labeled weak if they need help” said Deputy Alicia Medina, one of the proponents.

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