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“Arctic Warrior”: Alarm chain triggered because of candidates – disqualification imminent

The “Arctic Warrior” candidates survived the first night. But one duo gets a visit from the organization team – disqualification is imminent.

16 adventure seekers face the challenge of surviving in the arctic wilderness of Lapland in the survival show “Arctic Warrior”. In teams of two – consisting of a person with military training and a “layman” – they were abandoned in the snowy areas and are there on their own. But in the fifth episode, a duo gets an unexpected visitor.

After the first night, the teams report the nagging cold and sleep problems. Paralympic star Gerd Schönfelder is also concerned that he could frostbite his hand, which only has one finger and one toe. Team Lila, consisting of ex-soldier Otto Karasch, who is also one of the producers of the web format, and Youtuber Sascha Hellinger, on the other hand, have other concerns – namely that the adventure could be over for them.

“Danger for the other teams”

Because suddenly Sebo is with the two of them in the camp on the first morning. He put the show together with Otto Karasch and acts behind the scenes. “Otto and Sascha, we had a reporting time from six to eight o’clock. We triggered the alarm chain at eight o’clock because we have no contact with you. It’s 8.50 a.m.,” he explains to the participants.

His message to the two is clear: “Firstly, you are a danger to the other teams if you don’t comply with the registration time. And secondly, the registration times are obligatory. Because I’m worried about you. Last warning. A registration window was not observed – disqualification .”

Otto Karasch sees the mistake. “That’s right, you’re right,” he says to Sebo. And Sascha Hellinger also admits after visiting her camp: “I’m a bit ashamed that this happened to us right after the first night.”

  • Team Purple: Otto, former paratrooper, and Youtuber Sascha Hellinger
  • Team Rosa: Tom, member of the KSK, and influencer Yvonne Pferrer
  • Team Rot: Tatjana, soldier of the Austrian Jägerbataillon 25, and MMA fighter Stephan Pütz
  • Team Blau: Philipp, mountaineer, and Paralympic athlete Gerd Schönfelder
  • Team Babyblau: Manu, army reconnaissance officer, and Youtuber Alex Müller-P.
  • Team Green: Sahin, sniper, and Florian, replacement for Franziska Siebert
  • Team Gelb: Hauke, ex-soldier in the Foreign Legion, and US entertainer Evil Jared
  • Team Orange: Mello, survival instructor, and wildcard winner LoloMaus
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