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Are they fighting? Daniel Bisogno confessed why he did not spend May 10 with his mother

(Photo Instagram: @bisognodaniel)

As every year, on May 10, the Mother’s day, however, Daniel Bisogno He confessed that he did not share this day with his mother.

It was during the broadcast this Wednesday in windowing where the artist commented live on the reasons why he did not have a celebration as usual.

It all started when Pedro Sola, Linet Puente and Mónica Castañeda talked about the gifts they give their mothers as part of this date. Thus, among the acid comments to which the audience is accustomed, Bisogno hinted that he did not have as happy a time as she expected.

Before the puzzled look of his companions, Daniel commented before the cameras of Aztec TV that, although their relationship with his mother he is in good condition, he could not celebrate with her because he currently has Covid-19.

(Photos: Windowing)

The drivers asked her with concern if, despite this, her mother was already in better health, but Bisogno answered categorically.

No, it’s getting worse it does not carry pilgrims this year”, he stated.

Quickly, the show host “knocked on wood” and explained that his mother was stable within everything.

“My mom is better now. but he didn’t invite me“, external.

At that time, Linet Puente joked that sometimes mothers also liked to take a break from their children.

(Photo: Instagram/@bisognodaniel)

Daniel Bisogno did not agree with the situation and said ironically: “I I’m not going to forgive her.” Besides, She said that due to her mother’s delicate state of health, she could not see her aunt Angélica María either.

The presenters laughed at the situation and proceeded to give the news of the day, but not before Pedrito Sola recalled that when his mother was still alive she used to give him gifts every time he went to a shopping center.

Through his social networks, the driver of windowing He shared an emotional video to congratulate his mother.

“I was half spoiled for being the youngest son and my older brother already called me the preferred one”, the artist recited in the first instance.

In the video shared in the stories of instagramDaniel Bisogno showed a tender photo with his mother and, in the form of a rhyme, he recalled some good moments that he has lived with her over the years.


“There must have been reasons that when she was chasing me behind her she would put me on and I was already defended. If my father sent me to bed without dinner, I would see her appear, pretending to be angry and secretly, she would pass mine on a plate (…) I remember what the time with the long pants felt, she looked at me, touched me, she said: ‘How I grew up‘” he stressed.

It should be remembered that in an old broadcast of windowing, the presenters recalled their mothers and Daniel Bisogno told how his childhood was with his mother.

“My mother was always very affectionate with us, she always behaved very well, she threw us the flip-flop, yes. She made me go for my dad’s soda every day (…) she was always an asshole * for food, ”she said and added:

“My mother was the one who took us to all the castings, she was there, on the hundredth route until one day she left without me. You know that they lower you against your will because of the people and they lowered me, my mother stayed upstairs.

On several occasions, Bisogno has cataloged her mother as a great woman and, when she gets the chance, she reminds her of all the love she has for her.

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