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Are women only allowed to park in women’s parking spaces?

Some federal states even have quotas for this: parking spaces for women are intended to protect against attacks and violence. So no one else is allowed to park here?

In large garages in Baden-Württemberg, every tenth parking space should be a special parking space for women. In Brandenburg even every third. The corresponding regulations stipulate this. The name says it all: These areas are specially designed for women. Isn’t another car allowed to park here? Which rules apply?

Why are there women’s parking spaces?

Women’s parking spaces are usually close to the exit, easily visible (from a camera or supervisory staff) and must have an alarm nearby. As a result, they should offer better protection against violence and sexual assault than a parking space in the farthest and darkest corner of a parking garage. There are also such offers in outdoor parking lots – for example in front of large furniture stores. They are identified by clear signs.

Who is allowed to park in women’s parking spaces?

Women’s parking lot: From a purely legal point of view, you don’t have to keep it free for women. Reasonable drivers do it anyway. (Those: Rolf Poss via

In public space, basically everyone can park here. In the Road Traffic Act (StVO) there are no women’s parking spaces – and therefore no corresponding fines. Of course, these parking areas should still be left to women.

However, this is not a must. In any case, no one can tell from a parked car who parked it. Anyone who obviously doesn’t care about consideration and decency shouldn’t expect applause for it.

Apparently, decency is one of those things

According to a survey from 2018, almost every fifth man (19 percent) occasionally parks in a woman’s parking space, every twentieth even frequently.

The situation is different in car parks: their operators can set their own rules in their house rules – for example that women’s parking spaces are taboo for men. If this provision is violated, they can have the car towed away and ban them from entering the home.

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