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Are you well endowed? Niurka compares Juan Osorio with Babo

Are you well endowed? Niurka compares Juan Osorio with Babo

Niurka once again causes a stir on social networks and it is that on this occasion the talented star, although no one asked her, said that just like Babo from Cartel de Santa, Juan Osorio “has a good size.”

It seems that the also singer Niurka assures that if she compares Juan Osorio with Babo from Cartel de Santa, “he has a nice penis” And it is not new that Niurka, 55 years old, talks too much and this time he already vented it to the producer.

It should be noted that the subject was the pearls that 46-year-old Babo from Cartel de Santa put on his penis, but Niurka ended up qualifying Juan Osorio’s member.

Niurka says that Juan Osorio is well endowed

Niurka affirms that Juan Osorio is well endowed

It turns out that on social networks they are going out of their way for the pearling of Babo from Cartel de Santa (or so it is believed), but it is not something that Niurka has not seen in 65-year-old Juan Osorio.

The fact is that Niurka said (without anyone asking her) that Juan Osorio has as good a penis size as Babo from Cartel de Santa, because what the vedette literally declared before the cameras of ‘De Primera Mano’ was:

“And Juan Osorio also has a good penis.”

And although no one had asked him anything, Niurka ended up venting what he thinks of Juan Osorio’s penis by comparing it to that of Babo from Cartel de Santa.

However, the main theme was the ‘pearls’ that Babo from Cartel de Santa placed on his member to give pleasure to women.

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Niurka is not surprised by Babo

Niurka is not surprised

On this occasion, Niurka said that it is not surprising, because just as these subdermal implants exist now, “before they were metal piercings on the head of the penis,” he argued.

Niurka has always been known for her sincerity, but now she not only balconied Juan Osorio in the context of Babo, but also said that she has even touched ‘pito-flan’, as the star told ‘De Primera Mano’ that At 55 years of age, he is free to tell about the experiences with types of penises and sexual encounters he has had.

“I have known other large penises and some dugouts, that is, the blood does not reach it properly and it stays that way…”.

It should be noted that he was not only able to compare Babo from Cartel de Santa with Juan Osorio, but also said that he has had the well-known ‘pito-flan’. That is, the penises that do not achieve an erection.

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