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Argentina approves the use of a Japanese vaccine against dengue

Argentina.- The Argentine health authorities approved the use of a vaccine against dengue from the Japanese laboratory Takeda, in the midst of a historic outbreak that for now has left at least 48 dead and more than 67,000 cases in the country of the Southern Cone.

The National Administration of Medicines, Foods and Medical Technology (ANMAT) detailed the children that the vaccine, baptized as TAK-003, will be destined for children over 4 years old, having previously contracted or not the disease. There will be no lack of confirmatory blood analysis to be able to provide it to the patients.

Two doses over three months

“The vaccine is based on the dengue virus 2, to which DNA from the other three serotypes is added to protect against any of the four types of dengue. “, explained in a statement.

According to the local press, the vaccine, which is contemplated for endemic areas, will be available from the austral spring.

Also known as Qdenga, the immunizer was already approved in Indonesia and the European Union last year. In 2023, the endorsement was received in the United Kingdom and in Brazil.

The disease transmitted by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito is causing havoc in Argentina and in several South American countries such as Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay.

Dengue has left this season a balance of 48 deaths and 67,000 infected in four Argentine regions, according to data from the local press.

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