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Argentina is in second place in the world ranking of countries with the highest inflation

According to a report prepared and published by the World Bank, Argentina is currently in second place in the ranking of countries with the most inflation in terms of food behind Lebanon, and before African countries such as Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Ghana, Iran and Turkey in Asia, between Asia and Europe.

In updating its Food Safety report, the multinational entity released the results of the information it collected between the months of January and April 2023. This report found that Argentina is the only Latin American country that is among the first 10 nations with more inflation in food, with a total of 107%. In addition, they clarified that Venezuela did not enter the ranking, since it does not have available data on the increase in prices in that area.

The publication with which the World Bank released the ranking.

In addition, the World Bank clarified that the inflation Domestic food prices remain high around the world, especially in low- and middle-income countries, and he pointed to the Russia-Ukraine war as one of the factors behind the rise in prices. This report comes before the INDEC releases the inflation figure for the month of April, which is estimated to be 7.8%, with 10.4% in food, and will be published on Friday, May 12.

The war between Russia and Ukraine was pointed out as a factor of growth in inflation throughout the world.

Argentina Reportedly Tripled Venezuela’s Inflation During April

According to various projections by private entities, Argentina registered the highest rate of inflation of the Latin American continent, even above the index of Venezuela, whose most accurate measurement is the one carried out by the Venezuelan Finance Observatory (OVF), which indicated that the rise in prices of the last period was 2.5%, a third of what was estimated in our country.

Argentina once again surpassed all Latin American countries in inflationary figures.

This is the second consecutive month that Argentina leads the Latin American ranking and it is worth remembering that the country led by Alberto Fernández had an increase in costs of 7.7% compared to the 4.2% obtained by Venezuela.

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