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Argentina suffers more clumsiness from the government

REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian/

The latest negotiations with the IMF and the US and Brazilian governments are not achieving the results expected by the economic team: the Dollars they do not arrive

President Alberto Fernandez led the recent visit to Brasilia with the slogan explained to him by the Minister of Economy Sergio Massa: reais and not dollars for bilateral trade.

The balance of trade with Brazil is increasingly deficient and this causes payments in dollars to be delayed and many operations to be suspended until the future behavior of the Argentine administration is known

It may interest you: Alberto Fernández’s visit to Lula da Silva exhibited the intricate political coexistence in the national cabinet

Lulafaced with the desperate situation of his “friend” Alberto Fernández, has responded with affectionate words, promises to defend Argentina before the IMF, delaying the answers on the underlying issue and introducing China and Russia (through the BRICS) as “guarantors” of last resort, behind the National Development Bank of Brazil.

The current administration of planalto It has gotten very close to China and is trying to modify what Sergio Massa has promised in Washington: that the facilities promised to China will not be fulfilled. Beijing by Alberto Fernández, Santiago Cafiero and Sabino Vaca Narvaja.

The possible construction of Atucha 3 with Chinese technology and credits will not continue, nor will the Ministry of Defense buy war planes from that country, nor will the Waterway be managed by companies from the Asian giant.

REUTERS/Ueslei Marcelino

Wang Yi, operator of the Politburo on this issue, now seeks, through Lula, that the issue that most interests Beijing, 5G, be unlocked in favor of Huawei.

The White House has made it very clear that a tender on this issue “must guarantee free competition”

Cross promises to the superpowers that settle the Cold War of the XXI Century.

All our economic difficulties have a political origin. In this case, the desperate search for dollars, in a foreign policy that has missed all opportunities, which offers a conflict of the magnitude suffered by the Ukrainian people.

The Argentine president has participated in key meetings without understanding what the world wants from Argentina, with bombastic statements and photo opportunities, but without any specificity.

The phrase attributed to Seneca is applied: “when you do not know where you are sailing… no wind is favourable”

Keep reading:

Alberto Fernández, Sergio Massa and Daniel Scioli traveled to Brazil to reach an agreement with Lula that protects the BCRA reserves
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