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Argentine Congress prepares to approve Milei’s reform package

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BUENOS AIRES — He Congress Argentina is preparing to grant this Thursday the first legislative victory to President Javier Milei with the approval of his package of economic reforms, although limited with respect to the original version, after months of debates.

The Chamber of Deputies began to analyze the modifications introduced by the Senate to the so-called “Bases Law”, with a strong security operation around Congress where protests and incidents occurred during the debate in the Upper House.

With this law, Milei will obtain the delegation of legislative powers for one year, incentives for large investments for 30 years, a relaxation of labor legislation and authorization to privatize a dozen public companies, among other points.

The deputies will also review a package of tax reforms.

Both of the executive’s projects could finally become law after a tortuous process that returned them to the Lower House as the body that will review the changes.


Politically, the approval “will mean a total success for the government,” declared political scientist and economist Pablo Tigani.

According to analyst Carlos Germano, from the consulting firm Germano y Asociados, this law represents new political challenges.

“Getting the first law is of utmost political importance, but the government now has a new challenge because the dialogue opposition is going to begin to generate another policy that is totally different from the one of these six months,” he said.


Originally, the “Bases Law”, which Milei launched as the foundation of his government plan, contained more than 600 articles, but in February it was reduced to 238 articles that were also modified in the Senate.

Deputies can accept the Senate’s modifications or reject them in whole or in part, or insist on the original text.

The Executive must then promulgate the law for it to come into force, but can also veto it in whole or in part.

Source: With information from AFP

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