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Argentines died in Canada when they were buried by an avalanche of snow

Tuesday, February 21, 2023 | 9:52 a.m.

Two Argentines who were on vacation in the city of Calgary, in the province of Alberta, Canada, died when they were buried by an avalanche of snow, in the area known as High Wide Power, to descend Kicking Horse Mountain, located in the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

The victims were identified as Manuel Sáenz, 37, a native of La Plata but currently residing in Chile, and Gerónimo Regina, from the Lobos party in Buenos Aires. With them was Josué Alonso, a young man from Tres Arroyos who survived the accident with serious injuries.

The three had traveled to the North American country along with four other friends, all Argentines, when they were surprised by an avalanche some 100 meters wide, which buried the three victims, two of them fatal.

According to what Josué Alonso told the local newspaper ‘La Voz del Pueblo’, from Tres Arroyos, the snow dragged them over stone falls and trees, but he was rescued by a German tourist who began looking for survivors.

“He had been left with his body under the snow and his head outside. She had the security device, which is for avalanches, which emits waves so that they can find us. Thank God I had that and they were able to track me down,” the injured man continued.

“My right leg is quite broken, tibia and fibula in three parts, my ankle is broken in several parts and the pelvis as well… They activated all the helicopter rescue systems and took me to the clinic,” he completed.

Finally, he reported that he underwent satisfactory surgery for his injuries on Saturday and on Sunday they were carrying out studies to diagnose another injury to the ankle of his left leg.

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