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Armando Guadiana appoints Fernando Salazar as coordinator of his pre-campaign

Guadiana appoints Campaign Coordinator

The pre-candidate of Morena in Coahuila, Armando Guadiana, appointed Luis Fernando Salazar as coordinator of his pre-campaign and later he will be the campaign for the state elections in this 2023.

Through a video posted on social networks accompanied by the national leader of Morena, Mario Delgado, Armando Guadiana pointed out that the expanista and former rival, Luis Fernando Salazar, has the experience to be his pre-campaign and campaign coordinator.

“In the pre-campaign and campaign we will have Luis Fernando Salazar as coordinator, who is a person with a lot of experience as campaign coordinator for our state,” he said.

He asserted that with the experience that Salazar has, he will go “with everything.” “We are going to establish the true change in Coahuila, that the Fourth Transformation is established and that we change after 90 years,” Armando Guadiana stressed.

The licensed Morenista legislator announced that his pre-campaign will start on Saturday, January 14, for which he will hold events in Torreón and Saltillo, and will end on February 12. After that, the campaign will be from April 2 to May 31 and he reiterated that the elections will be held in his state on June 4.

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