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Armed Forces are a danger to Mexico, says The New York Times

The newspaper The New York Times brought to light a report on the concern that exists for the role of the Armed forces in Mexico during the six-year term of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), as they ensure that the behavior of these institutions alerts activists working on human rights.

Through said report, The New York Times indicated that the Armed Forces in Mexico they operate in many areas of the federal government, which means that they have an important relevance, which is why they should be monitored by a civil authority to prevent human rights violations.

As reported in The Truth NewsIt was recently announced that the Mexican Armed Forces are in the top 10 institutions with the most complaints of human rights violations. It should be noted that the Army has been involved in the murder and disappearance of civilians.

Armed Forces are dangerous in Mexico

They criticize the importance of the Armed Forces in Mexico

The American newspaper explained that the National Defense Secretariat is commanded by an active duty general, not a civilian leader, who refuses to appear in front of the Congress of Mexico to answer questions, which is not conducive to democratic practices.

They further noted that during the AMLO’s six-year term The Armed Forces have played an important role in the elaboration of government projects to limit the transparency of these works and this has meant that cases of deaths of civilians at the hands of the army almost never go to trial.

“Given the increasing role of the Armed Forces in Mexico, it is really crucial and urgent that the intelligence services in Mexico are regulated with a civilian oversight mechanism,” which “should be created to control and eventually take accountability measures.” accounts about them,” declared Marta Hurtado, spokesperson for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights for said report.

It may interest you: SCJN ‘ties hands’ to Armed Forces to investigate civilians

What are the three armed forces of Mexico?

The Armed Forces are made up of three institutions

It should be noted that the Mexican Armed Forces They are made up of the Army, the Secretary of the Navy and the Air Force.

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