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Arouse curiosity in the Valley

Juarez City.- Around 35 people, including adults and minors who live in the Juárez Valley, participated in the “Curioseando” festival of experiments, stories and science, organized by the Ciudad Juárez Youth Scientific Society in conjunction with Sembradores de Historia.

The activity was carried out at the Valle de Juárez Regional Museum (Muvaj), where children from the age of 7 learned to make a lava lamp or play with clay, among other experiments, using household items, explained Alan Herrera Robles, organizer of the event.

He indicated that this is the first time that an event of this type has been held in the Muvaj, and they took advantage of the holiday season to carry it out.

“The intention of this event is to bring science and history closer to families as a recreational option on these holidays; It is the first time it has been done and we expect a good response. We are going to have a series of games and experiments with the children, we are going to create lava lamps, we are going to play with clay, we have an experiment where they will be able to observe how we can do science with things at home, ”he explained.

During the event, the minors, some accompanied by their parents, listened to legends and popular myths of Mexico, such as the history of Popocatépetl, clay and ceramics and what can be done with these materials, among other stories within the activity that ended around at 2:00 in the afternoon.

The dynamic was held at no cost to the families, who were happy with the activities that their children learned to do.

Herrera Robles explained that the intention of the organizing groups is to meet the educational and recreational needs in the Juárez Valley, an area where many minors live and need support for their development.

“We believe that the Valley is a region that needs to be addressed in terms of education, and we believe that having an impact on children is important, because it can define aspirations for life,” mentioned the organizer of the event.

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