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arrives by boat to the Venezuelan coast

arrives by boat to the Venezuelan coast

CARACAS.- The Venezuelan opposition continues to overcome the obstacles of Nicolás Maduro regimewho seeks to hinder the various routes that are being carried out within the framework of the presidential campaign for July 28.

This Wednesday, June 26, the unitary candidate, Edmundo Gonzálezwho has the support of the opposition leader María Corina Machado, managed to overcome the road blockade by the Venezuelan military on the Barlovento highway, Miranda state (center-north), and enter the rural community of Paparo by boat to hold a meeting with fishermen, coffee growers, educators and residents of the area.

“Despite attempts to hinder our arrival in Paparo, we moved forward and arrived with the energy of the Mirandinos,” wrote the opposition standard bearer through his X account, highlighting his arrival at the Mirandinos entity in the company of his wife, Mercedes López. ; and Dr. Corina Yoris, who was prevented by the Electoral Power, at the service of Chavismo, from running in the elections to replace Machado.

González Urrutia stated that together with the Venezuelans They will continue to overcome “any obstacle” of the regime, while he highlighted “the energy” he received from the population who, despite the “low salaries, lack of electricity and water, poor education, among many others, have the firm conviction of writing, with their vote , a new page in our history.”

Regime Obstacles

Hours before, through social networks they reported that members of the Venezuelan guard were holding them at the entrance to Paparo to prevent them from entering the Mirandina town, where the political rally was scheduled to be held.

Former governor Henrique Capriles accused the Chavista ruler of using state security forces to violate the rights of citizens. “How long, Nicolás Maduro, are you going to continue using the GNB to restrict the right that Venezuelans have? How long are you going to continue putting officials in harm’s way, forcing them to violate the rights of the people stipulated in the Constitution and laws,” he questioned.

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Source: With information from social networks

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