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Artificial intelligence: a robot dog able to speak thanks to ChatGPT

In a world where artificial intelligence and robotics are increasingly present, it is fascinating to see how engineers are breaking through the limits and discovering new methods to improve the functionality of these machines.

A machine learning engineer named Santiago integrated ChatGPT with Spot, a robot dog from Boston Dynamicsto improve communication and much more.

Santiago has merged Google’s text-to-speech technology with ChatGPT, to create a robot dog named Spot, which can respond to users by voice. The latter is able to understand questions, analyze documents and provide answers in real time.

Spot can now speak using AI

Santiago shared a video on Twitter showing how and why ChatGPT was integrated into Spot. In this video, Spot can be seen answering questions on different topics, such as his battery level or his mission details. Santiago explains that ChatGPT was able to interpret the question, parse files, and then formulate an answer. Moreover, Spot can answer yes or no by nodding or shaking his head, which makes him even more cute and endearing.

This development is fascinating, as it illustrates how robotics and AI are increasingly approaching what was once considered science fiction. This is indeed an important step towards creating robots that can communicate with humans in a more natural and efficient way.

Why did Santiago undertake this Artificial Intelligence project?

According to IT Home, these robot dogs perform daily automated tasks, which require complex and difficult-to-understand configuration files that only an engineer can understand. In addition, these robots collect a large amount of data on each mission, without there being an easy way to consult it at any time. This is where ChatGPT comes in, making it easier to understand configuration files and query data, providing a convenient solution for handling these complex tasks.

For some, integrating AI into robots may raise concerns about a possible dystopian future where robots revolt against their creators. However, its current use is simply to help operators better understand and operate these machines, with no intention of causing damage or potential problems.

A few weeks ago, the New York police began deploying Spot robots in some of its operations. This integration of robotics and AI technology could potentially be used by security forces for various applications.

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