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Artificial Intelligence exceeds 350 thousand active projects in the industry

Throughout this 2022 and throughout the current year we have witnessed the release and popularization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems, thanks to platforms such as ChatGPTMidjourney or Dall-E, where only a few short lines of text are needed to see these platforms in action.

These kinds of projects have been around for decades in the industry. Information Technology (IT), but today we are living through a stage of undeniable furor with the existence of just over 350,000 active projects related to the use of AI in the world.

However, the development of Artificial Intelligence systems is going too fast and some recognized figures, such as Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple and expert in AI Ian HogarthThey have asked that this maelstrom be stopped for at least half a year.

All this in order to use that time to create regulatory and transparency measures that allow having support and control tools before it is too late.

Such a position might sound out of all proportion to some, but now with the release of the data from this recent report that we are sharing with you today, we can better understand the seriousness of it all.

There are more than 350 thousand active Artificial Intelligence projects in the world this 2023

He Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) has just published the most recent data of its AI Index 2023, where it shows us a global overview of the current state of the world of Artificial Intelligence.

In the report we found that open source AI software projects would have acquired a predominant weight. Where in 2011 the total number of projects of this type on GitHub were only 1,536.

But now at the end of 2022 there were a total of 347,934 active projects, although the reality is that everything is far from perfect and functional in the background:

“2022 saw the release of text-to-image models like DALL-E 2 and Stable Diffusion, text-to-video systems like Make-A-Video (from Meta) and chatbots like ChatGPT.

Still, these systems can be prone to hallucination, confidently generating inconsistent or false responses, making it difficult to rely on them for critical applications.”

The automation of robotic processes, with 39%, the application in artificial vision projects, with 34%, the comprehension of texts in natural language and virtual agents would be the most recurrent approaches of these AI projects.

The information presented in the report covers the developments up to the year 2022, so it would still be necessary to add the data corresponding to the most recent generative AI models, especially ChatGPT, which boomed from November 2022.

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