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Artificial intelligence generated a chilling photo that shows what the end of the world would be like

Dozens of films and series have revealed under the gaze of filmmakers what the final moment of our existence would look like, but one artificial intelligence (AI) has won the game by generating a chilling photo that shows what the end of the world would be like.

According to a report published on the website of the 40, Robot Overloadsa TikTok user known for uploading content created by AI programs, used Midjourney’s platform to generate what would be the last selfies taken on Earth, with terrifying results.

Like the different DALL-E versions of OpenIA, Midjourney is an artificial intelligence program with which users can create images from textual descriptions.

The application has not yet been officially launched and is still in its beta phase, open to the public and to Internet users who want to try it. On this occasion, the tiktoker asked the AI ​​to show the last selfie taken on the planet.

The end of the world according to AI

Two images went viral on social media. in which we can see two people apparently burned, almost like skeletonsin front of all the destruction on Earth.

These images are some of those shared by the tiktoker. Each photo shows some kind of apocalyptic scene with the humans holding a smartphone in hand.

The background of the images reveals entire cities in flames, few citizens alive, disfigured faces and the victims of the apocalyptic attack. We don’t know if this will be the end of the world, but the portraits are terrifying.

The account shared several videos of the end of the world and one includes, in addition to selfies, a short video of a man who, despite the chaos, pretends to smile. The background music is also terrifying.

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