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Artificial Intelligence Illustrates A Mikasa Fan Art In Attack On Titan That Looks Like A Sexy Real Life Cosplay

When we weigh the most important characters in Shigeki no Kyojinalso known as Attack on Titan, the name of Mikasa Ackerman appears among the first places. It is one of the logics to understand his strong presence among the fan service from the series.

She is the adoptive sister of the protagonist, Eren Jaeger and a member of the Exploration Corps that seeks to retake Wall Maria. She is considered a military genius and was the first of her class during the graduation of the Recruit Troop for Cycle #104.

Called prodigious by the series’ fadom, these abilities are combined with his own extraordinary and deadly will, demonstrated when fighting Titans. Such an attitude and temper before a battle has rarely been seen among soldiers, recruits or veterans.

His appearance comparable to that of any young man who goes to college or high school, combined with the aforementioned characteristics and abilities to become strong in the world of cosplay or fan art.

But recently, according to a review by Spaghetti Code, a follower of Attack on Titan took his fandom further into the world of technology. He asked an Artificial Intelligence to illustrate a hyper-realistic looking Mikasa in cosplay or live action style.

The final representation, published by a Twitter account identified with the user @Waifu.Ai, it looks like this. It looks like a model performing a cosplay, but the reality is that it is an illustration of Artificial Intelligence.

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