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Artificial intelligence in intensive care units: Freiburg University Hospital relies on x-cardiac technology in everyday clinical practice

x-cardiac GmbH

Berlin (ots)

Berlin-based x-cardiac GmbH is pleased to have won the University Hospital Freiburg as a second pilot customer for its AI-based software “xc-bleeding” for predicting severe bleeding complications after cardiac surgery. With the implementation of “xc-bleeding”, the University Hospital Freiburg is taking another important step towards AI-supported medicine.

Heavy secondary bleeding and acute kidney failure are among the most dangerous complications after operations on the heart or the vessels close to the heart. It is all the more important to recognize these risks early and to initiate appropriate treatment measures.

x-cardiac GmbH develops AI-based software that has been trained on the basis of stored and anonymized data from tens of thousands of patients for the early detection of complications after heart surgery.

“x-cardiac is proud to have gained such a renowned partner in the University Hospital Freiburg, who will use our technology in everyday clinical practice, after xc-bleeding is already being used at the German Heart Center of the Charité (DHZC),” says Managing Director Oliver Hoppner. “This cooperation underlines the importance of certified AI-supported medical devices in modern healthcare.”

Prof. Dr. medical Alexander Meyer, physician at the DHZC and co-founder of x-cardiac, emphasizes the versatile applicability of the developed technology: “Thanks to our intensive research and expertise, we were able to build up valuable know-how. With our x-cardiac AI factory, we are now in able to quickly and efficiently develop approved medical devices for various disciplines to further improve the quality and efficiency of medical care.”

In view of the changing German medical technology market, which currently has a volume of 46 billion euros, and the increasing importance of AI-controlled software medical products and digital biomarkers, x-cardiac is positioning itself as a pioneer in this dynamic environment.

Other interested heart centers are already in the sales pipeline, while the dedicated x-cardiac team is continuously working on the development and certification of the next generation of products. This will not only predict postoperative bleeding, but also address acute kidney failure after heart surgery.

x-cardiac was founded at the end of 2020 with the support of the DHZB (today DHZC), the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) and the Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin. The medical product “xc-bleeding” meets all requirements for eligibility as a clinical decision support system within the framework of the Hospital Future Act (KHZG), with which the Federal Ministry of Health is promoting digitization in German hospitals with a total of up to 4.3 billion euros.

Press contact:

Oliver Hoeppner
x-cardiac GmbH

Original content from: x-cardiac GmbH, transmitted by news aktuell

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