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As of January 10, the pico y placa will rotate and will change every four months and the Transmilenio fare was set at $2,950 pesos.

Stock image. After the start of the extended pick and plate in Bogotá, the number of vehicles registered in the solidarity pick and plate increased. Photo: Ministry of Mobility

Starting next January 10, 2023, the peak and license plate size for private vehicles will begin to rotate. This, with the purpose of generating a more equitable use for users and contributing to the decongestion of the city and care for the environment.

The new peak and plaque methodology will no longer apply to all even digits on even days and all odd digits on odd days.

The District Department of Mobility will inform every four months which will be the numbers of the license plates that will be restricted for the following period. Between January and April 2023, the group of restricted license plates will be distributed as follows: on even days vehicles whose license plates end in 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0 may circulate, and on odd days those finished may circulate. in 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

According to the District Automotive Registry (RDA), in Bogotá there are 1,932,562 registered cars, campers and trucks, proportionally distributed according to the last digit of the license plate. And a growth of 2.9% of new automobiles in Bogotá is projected, equivalent to about 54 thousand.

With this new distribution, it is also sought to offer diversity in circulation possibilities throughout the year for the automotive fleet in the District.

The shared car circulation permit, which came into force in September 2020, will cease to operate next year, taking into account the more than 1,000 infrastructure works that are being carried out today in the city, as well as the high number of requests for this exception (148,144 per week, approximately).

Within the analysis of the effectiveness of this measure, multiple cases of people who requested the permit and did not comply with the occupancy requirements were identified. According to the study, so far this year the authorities have imposed more than 981 subpoenas for non-compliance with the measures associated with shared mobility.

Although the measure has encouraged the efficient use of private vehicles, this permit has implied an additional demand to the total traffic volume of the District. It is estimated that 58,000 additional vehicles circulate today throughout the day covered by this exception. 43% use the permit during the period of maximum demand of the day, between 6:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.

The rates of the Integrated Public Transport System SITP, the taxi service, the Pico y Placa Solidario and off-street and on-street parking will be adjusted taking into account the increase that the minimum wage will have for the year 2023 and the Price Index Consumer – CPI (up to November 12.53%).

Regarding the SITP, the technical teams of the Ministry of Mobility and Transmilenio SA, in addition to the above variables, took into account the operating costs of the System to define the adjustment.

The cost of the SITP operation is affected by the costs of inputs for vehicles and maintenance, among others, which are impacted by inflation and product prices. On the other hand, the increase in the minimum wage impacts the payment costs for System workers.

In accordance with the above, as of January 10, 2023 the value of the ticket for the Trunk component will be $2,950 and the Zonal component will be $2,750. The differential rates, which have not been modified in the last three years, will also be adjusted, without affecting the benefits for the elderly and Sisbén beneficiaries.

Likewise, through the personalized “TuLlave” Card, the following benefits will be maintained:

● Transfers of $200 between zone and trunk buses in a window of 110 minutes from the moment of ticket validation.

● Up to 2 trips on credit when the card runs out of balance.

● Unified means of payment for Zonal and Trunk components, and TransMiCable.

● Recover the balance in case of loss of the card.

● Web recharge. In any case, the value of the ticket that the user pays is less than the cost of the system to transport it. The city will continue to subsidize the remaining value to benefit the Bogota citizenry.

Separate point, the Pico y Placa Solidario permit adjusts its rates based on inflation with the purpose of generating greater compensation with Bogotá and promoting the culture of more sustainable mobility. The base values ​​of the measure will have the variation starting from the base values ​​they currently have.

The factors that are taken into account for the collection of the permit are: time (day, month or semester), vehicle appraisal, environmental impact and the municipality where the vehicle was registered, the latter will have a modification within the formula for motor vehicles that are registered outside of Bogota. The rate adjustment in this measure aims to generate a more rational use of private vehicles, taking into account that so far this year more than 1.39 million permits have been granted.

The value per minute of each parking lot will continue to depend on the level of service (infrastructure and number of spaces) and the area (higher value in areas of high demand). The maximum value per minute goes from $122 to $139.

Car park or parking service providers, as a prerequisite for the collection of the new rates, must be in the District Parking Registry with updated information.

The maximum value for automobiles is $252 and for motorcycles $176.

The adjustment of the value of the rate for the taxi-type service is made based on the variation in the costs of the service. This increase will be fixed for the minimum career and its respective surcharges, in accordance with the provisions for each year. To collect the new rate, taxi drivers must countersign the control card, which must contain the value of the current rates.

Taxi rate

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