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“Asbach Germany’s best party cellar”: / Successful format is continued

Semper idem Underberg AG

Rheinberg, Rüdesheim (ots)

  • The second season starts on Sunday, April 16 at 7:10 p.m. on Kabel Eins and Joyn
  • “Do-it-yourself king” Mark Kühler and moderator Jürgen Milski accompany the teams as coaches
  • Also new: Mirja Boes is a member of the jury and crowns the winning team

The party goes on: After a successful premiere in 2022, the TV format “Asbach Germany’s best party cellar” will be continued this year with new faces. From Sunday, April 16, the second season with four episodes can be seen on Kabel Eins and Joyn. A trailer already gives a foretaste under the following link: Always the same Underberg

In the show, two teams compete against each other to build “Asbach Germany’s best party cellar” with craftsmanship and creative ideas. Both do-it-yourself teams are each supported by a coach: moderator, singer and reality star Jürgen Milski and Mark Kühler, who is known to many television viewers as the “do-it-yourself king”.

The new host of the show is comedian Mirja Boes. She evaluates the two party cellars and chooses the winning team. In addition to fame and honour, there is a cash prize of 2,500 euros, the illuminated sign “Asbach Germany’s best party cellar” and an attractive Asbach package for the next party.

Parookaville, party cellar and product innovation: preferably with Asbach

“The fact that Asbach presents a prominently cast TV format is part of the success story of our brand in recent years. Asbach has long since not only stood for brandy, but also achieved with the mix classic Asbach Cola and product innovations such as the barista liqueur ‘ Asbach Coffee + Cream’ new target groups. It’s fitting that we can also be found in new environments: at the Parookaville music festival, for example, or at prime time on Kabel Eins,” explains Steffen Ostendorf, Senior International Brand Manager for the Asbach brand. which belongs to Semper idem Underberg AG.

About the Asbach brand:

Asbach GmbH in Rüdesheim am Rhein is a subsidiary of Semper idem Underberg AG. The company was founded in 1892 by Hugo Asbach. The company still produces Germany’s oldest brandy under the brand name “Asbach Uralt”. In addition to the classic Asbach Uralt and premium brandies, the range now also includes the Asbach Aperitif Rosé, the mixed drink Asbach Cola in a ready-to-drink can and Asbach “Coffee + Cream”. In the anniversary year 2022, the brand underwent a comprehensive relaunch to mark its 130th birthday.

Press contact:

Christian Schoenhals
Spokesman/Head of Corporate Communications
Semper idem Underberg AG
Hubert-Underberg-Allee 1
47495 Rheinberg
Tel.: +49 2843/920-296
Mobil: +49 170/320 97 59

Original content from: Semper idem Underberg AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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