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asks to match Bullrich with Milei and expose Macri

asks to match Bullrich with Milei and expose Macri

After voting in Río Gallegos, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner returned to his home in Recoleta with the plan to get involved in the campaign for the general elections on October 22 when, his interlocutors say, he trusts in a comeback of Sergio Massa that allows you to reach ballotage and dream of the presidency.

“Her scenario occurred: an election of thirds, in which the objective that follows is to qualify for November,” they describe in their environment, where they assure that she was seen very calm, but determined to be part of the design of the strategy.

The first meetings of the vice president were with Massa and the Buenos Aires governor and candidate for re-election Axel Kicillof. This Thursday he passed by his office maximum kirchner. While no details of the conversations were leaked, the first drafts of the new campaign speech The Tigrense was revealed in the interview in the program The Two Vocals.

The main ones are to define their rivals as “the same” Patricia Bullrich(Together for Change) already Javier Miley (Freedom Advances); and identify Mauricio Macri as the head of both, because, ultimately, only he could participate in both festivities.

From the stage, last Sunday the ex-minister defined Macri before the PRO militancy as “the usual president.” While the libertarian recounted in his first interviews that the former president called him before going on stage and could not attend to him, but he admits that they speak daily and that he is the only JxC leader he respects. The candidate of Union for the Fatherland will try to use it against youbecause more than half of the country still has a bad image of the founder of the yellow party.

In his first television foray, minutes after speaking with the vice president in the Senate, Massa matched Bullrich and Milei in proposals such as tariffs for education, health systems and the pension system. “For me, they are the same,” she compared them several times. With this strategy, she also wants to prevent the candidate of the opposition alliance from managing to moderate her figure to stay with the voters of Horacio Rodriguez Larreta.

Public education will be mentioned in several sections of the campaign, to force Milei to give more details of his system of voucherswhich consists of financing each student and not the universities.

For Massa, it is a “basket ticket” that will result in a fee, with a cost of 3 million pesos per year for each student. “I can’t imagine the radicals endorsing university tariffs”said the presidential candidate in TN. In the coming weeks, a bill will be announced to raise the mandatory financing floor for education, which is 6% of GDP. Maybe there will be street mobilizations.

The most difficult challenge, they say in Kirchnerism, will be to capture most of the 10 million citizens who did not go to vote, because they are angry with the system. Are Milei’s main loot to try to win in the first roundalong with improved control.

Another topic of conversation at the summits in the vice president’s office was the ballot cut that occurred in the suburban districts in favor of Kicillof, which cannot be repeated in October if Massa wants to reach the ballotage.

Milei, in the crosshairs

Another focus of Massa’s campaign will be to confront Milei with some details of his resume, such as his past as an employee in the America Corporationthe company of Eduardo Eurnekianwhich has the concession to manage the country’s airports.

“He’s going to have to explain what his competition was in those years,” they joke in Kirchnerism, where they review the libertarian’s work history and find no great stories to write. They only refloat that during the pandemic it was learned that he collected fees from a company through the subsidies granted by the State.

Close to the vice president they admit that the big problem is those under 25 years of age, which come from eight years without having any positive response from politics. “We could not communicate to a sector that we did not give them anything. You have to be military on the electoral scene,” they explain.

Massa will be careful not to appear angry with the rise of the libertarians, let alone this month, when it will be at its peak. as he anticipated Letter PCongress will be another battlefield of his campaign, through bills presented by his like-minded deputies.

This Wednesday, Ramiro Gutierrez He presented an initiative to expand and increase penalties for organ trafficking, which Milei proposes to sell freely. The next day, Marcela Passo, another deputy close to Massa, presented a project to guarantee the stability and financing of the Conicet, which the libertarian proposed to close. Both initiatives could be discussed in the coming weeks.

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