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Aspirated engine vs. turbo, which one suits you to save gasoline?

In a context of technological evolution and in which the challenge is to provide efficient solutions, one of the most frequently addressed issues when manufacturing vehicles is aspirated vs turbo engine. We show you the main characteristics of each one, operation, advantages and disadvantages, reliability level and more.

On one hand, the aspirated engine it is considered classic; the one whose displacement (1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0lts, etc.) represents the total capacity that the cylinders can accommodate.

Instead, the turbo allows to reduce the displacement to supercharge the cylinders and thus equal and even exceed the final power. Keep reading because in The Truth News we tell you more about this.

Advantages and disadvantages of an aspirated engine

  • Advantages of an aspirated engine

He aspirated propellant or conventional is the historical one; that is to say, the one that exists and equips the different types of combustion vehicles since always.

Despite its great evolution, which has made it possible to increase efficiency and improve performance with increasingly lower displacements, it looks a bit old.

In addition, it does not fully solve the problem of environmental pollution that affects the world so much.

However, the advantages of an aspirated engine compared to a turbo and other alternatives, which explain why it continues to be in such high demand, are the following:

There are millions of cars that have exceeded, for example, 500 thousand kilometers. For this reason, the level of reliability is extremely high and it is the option that taxi drivers, carriers and those who most use a vehicle for work choose today.

It is present in all types of vehicles; from the smallest to the trucks. Its only requirement is to increase the displacement according to the size and weight.

  • Operating principles

Beyond its evolution, its essence is always the same, so a mechanic can easily check and repair it. In fact, this also explains why its demand is so high and why different brands prefer to continue marketing it.

In addition to lasting decades, each of the problems, both minor and complex, that these engines present are more than well known; that is, they have occurred on multiple occasions over the years.

For this reason, spare parts or parts are easily available, and both their repair and replacement require a low cost. All this leads to a clear benefit: it is the most reliable and cheapest type of engine in the medium and long term.

  • Low production costs

Its permanent high demand worldwide allows it to be produced on a large scale, which results in a lower cost at the time of commercialization. This is another benefit, for example, for cars designed for middle and lower-middle class individuals and families.

  • Disadvantages of a non-turbo engine

Despite all the advantages described, the need to care for the environment and to further increase efficiency in mobility mean that the aspirated engine is beginning to be replaced. Its disadvantages could be summarized in the following three:

Less Power and More Fuel Consumption: Although they have been drastically improved over the years, both are inferior compared to other alternatives; For example, the hybrid

Greater environmental pollution: for example, a 1.6 pollutes more than a 1.0 turbo, even if the latter equals it in consumption

Modest benefits: except for the most modern aspirated engines, most have been left with few HP, torque and benefits considered poor.

Can you turbocharge an aspirated engine?

Yeah, it is possible to add a turbo to an aspirated engine to increase its power and efficiency. A turbo is a device that uses engine exhaust gases to compress the air going into the engine, thereby increasing the amount of air going into the cylinders, and therefore the amount of fuel that can be burned. This allows the engine to produce more power.

However, installing a turbo on an aspirated engine is not a simple task and may require significant modifications to the intake system, exhaust system, lubrication system, and other engine components.

Also, using a turbo can increase engine pressure and temperature, which can put more stress on engine components and require changes to fuel management and cooling management.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of a Turbo Engine

On the one hand, the advantages of the turbocharged engine could be summarized as follows:

  • Better performances with smaller displacements
  • Less fuel consumption and pollution, which favors the environment
  • Delivers maximum force at low RPM (less than 2000), making it ideal for urban use and for passing
  • High level of efficiency

On the other hand, the disadvantages that the turbocharged engine has so far are the following:

  • Very likely shorter lifetime
  • Higher production and engine repair costs, especially if the turbo starts to fail
  • They work through a much greater demand that could cause certain consequences in the medium term
  • lower resale value
  • reliability level

It should be noted that the cons of the turbo apply only to engines that run on gasoline. Diesel, on the other hand, have different principles that make them suitable for the same, so the intensive use, reliability and duration will not be affected.

The question of “aspirated vs turbo engine” is complex. It is true that eventually and in the short term turbocharged mechanics seem better for their performances. However, in the long term they could lead you to the conclusion that the conventional engine is more recommendable.

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