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Assassination attempt: Ubeira exposed the delays of the judges to stop the case

Interviewed on C5N, lawyer José Manuel Ubeira told everything that judges complicit in power do to stop the investigation into the assassination attempt against Cristina Kirchner.

Contrary to what one might think, instead of doing everything in its power to clarify the most serious event since the return of Democracy, and which jeopardizes the social order and trust in the institutions, Justice delays everything research as possible.

This is how Ubeira told it, stating that “with respect to the evidentiary and substantive measures, little or nothing.”

This fact is not surprising, if one takes into account the importance of this investigation in understanding how the darkest threads of power work within the framework of, to top it off, a judicial persecution against Cristina Kirchner with which they are trying to proscribe her.

“The judge charges a stipend that depends on the City of Buenos Aires, with which the possibilities of investigating the City police are difficult”

“In the Federal Revolution case, Judge Llorens says that it is freedom of expression”

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