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Astrophotography: How to photograph the stars with a telescope and camera

Distant galaxies, colorful nebulae, fascinating star clusters: With the telescope you can penetrate far into space and create spectacular photos. That’s how it’s done.

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19 Min.

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(Image: Frank Sackenheim)

When you see a distant galaxy or a colorful nebula on your own camera display for the first time, it is a sublime feeling. Deep sky astrophotography is one of the most fascinating and also one of the most demanding photographic disciplines because it makes visible what can only be guessed at with the naked eye.

In theory, deep-sky astrophotography starts at a focal length of 200 millimeters. So you can get started with conventional photo equipment. However, you can only capture the spectacular details with a telescope, and this article shows how this is done. The focus here is on the recording techniques of advanced deep-sky photography.

In addition to a suitable camera, you need a telescope of your choice on a stable tripod and a so-called mount. This is the most important accessory in deep sky photography and compensates for the rotation of the earth. With their help, you can expose for a long time and still display your motifs sharply. An autoguider that reliably keeps the mount on course is also indispensable. The article “Deep Sky Photography: With this equipment you photograph nebulae and galaxies” shows how exactly you can put together an equipment.

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