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At midnight, the hooded men emerged and banged on doors and windows

The events that took place on Sunday night in an idyllic holiday camp in Frauensee, 15 kilometers south-east of Berlin, seem spooky: around midnight, a total of 28 young people and young adults from Brandenburg, who celebrated a birthday in the holiday camp, are said to have dormitory of the Berlin school group turned up; namely “with masked faces”, as the police department south in Cottbus FOCUS announced online.

“The revelers banged loudly on doors and windows, apparently insulted them with various clearly xenophobic slogans and threatened the students to beat them up,” said police spokesman Maik Kettlitz. This would have shown the first witness interviews of the students by the Brandenburg state security.

Hooded young people threaten students with a migration background

According to the current status of the investigation, there were “first small hostilities” from the ranks of the celebrating young Brandenburgers against the 30 students from Berlin-Kreuzberg in the early evening. 20 of these guests, who, according to the director of the holiday camp, should come from a neighboring town, were also registered as overnight guests, like the Berlin students.

The situation then came to a head around midnight. During the first interrogations, affected students reported attackers with “masked faces” who banged loudly “against doors and windows” and threatened violence. “You can imagine how that must have affected the students after they had already been verbally attacked by the revelers,” police spokesman Maik Kettlitz continued. Four or five of the aggressors were noticed by a “particular aggressiveness”. .

Police protected Berlin students from local youth

The reason for the threats of violence were “clearly racist and xenophobic attitudes,” added the police spokesman. Some of the students were “clearly recognizable as Muslims” because of their headgear. The aim of the insults was also always the immigrant background of the students.

The police were called at 0.30 a.m. by a student to the holiday resort, which is located in the middle of the Dahme-Heideseen Nature Park. According to Kettlitz, the patrols that had moved in would have physically separated the aggressors from the accommodation of the Berlin students. “There were also threatening speeches to make it clear to the young people that this behavior is absolutely unacceptable and that there should be no further incidents.”

To be on the safe side, several police officers stayed on site and waited until Sunday morning for the last students to be picked up.

State protection determined because of sedition

The 30 students in a 10th class from Berlin-Kreuzberg had traveled to the holiday location over the weekend to prepare for a maths exam in peace and quiet. The school is now apparently considering postponing the exam because of the events. The Brandenburg State Security is investigating the aggressors on suspicion of racist insults, incitement to hatred and threats.

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