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At the Grenoble University Hospital, a 91-year-old man dies in the emergency room after three days of waiting

A 91-year-old man died on April 12 in the emergency room of the CHU after having spent waiting for a hospital bed in geriatrics, report several media including France Blue et “the liberated Dauphiné” this Wednesday, April 19. His vital prognosis was not engaged when he was admitted.

According to France Bleu, the doctors evoked a simple state of acute confusion linked to his age. They recognize, however, that his immobility and the fact of having remained lying down for so long may have worsened his state of health.

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This is the third death in such circumstances since December in the emergency room of the CHU, continues the local media.

32 “avoidable” deaths in the emergency room in one month: “This number is below reality”

A new drama very badly experienced by the staff, according to Sara Fernandez, secretary general of the CGT at the Grenoble University Hospital, quoted by France Bleu: “They’re ashamed, they’re scared, because they can’t provide what they consider to be the minimum level of patient care. »

In a press release relayed by “the Dauphiné released”, the management of the CHU “deplores” the death and indicates that “The family of this patient unfortunately could not be present at his side” because of “the high activity of the emergency department”.

“Like every serious adverse event and whatever the service (…), this event is the subject of a detailed investigation and a complete analysis in progress”let the management know.

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A report to the public prosecutor

She recognizes “the real difficulties encountered by the emergency department of the Michallon hospital and by all the hospitalization departments in the face of the significant shortage of human resources in the emergency room but also in the other departments”. It is specified in particular that in the emergency department of the main Michallon site, “50% of emergency room positions have been vacant for more than a year and a half” what “the emergency reception service (SAU) Michallon has been responsible for the postponement of night activity for the two other most important SAUs in the territory for a year and a half” and “the whole of the South Isère territory is experiencing a large number of beds closed for lack of staff due to a lack of candidates”.

“Our patients are in danger! “: the alert of caregivers on the situation of the hospital

The CGT, SMNH-F0 and SUD unions denounce the difficulties in this hospital, between lack of means and staff, of city doctors to meet the demand for care, and the closure of 200 hospital beds, underlines TF1.

A few days before the tragedy, a report had been made to the public prosecutor for endangering the health of others. This was dismissed without further action, according to the chain.

Last June, faced with a lack of staff, the emergency services of the Grenoble Alpes University Hospital had limited their night reception to only patients who had previously called 15.

During his speech on Monday April 17, Emmanuel Macron promised to “unclog all emergency services” by the end of 2024. An “unattainable” goal, the unions immediately warned.

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