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At the weekend the children made Easter nests together

A ten-year-old girl was found dead in a child and youth welfare facility in Wunsiedel in Upper Franconia. Employees of the facility discovered the child lifeless in a room on Tuesday, said the police headquarters in Upper Franconia and the public prosecutor’s office in Hof on Wednesday.

An emergency medical team was only able to determine the girl’s death, it said. According to the police, a forensic medical examination was ordered to clarify the exact cause of death.

According to initial findings, there were signs of third-party negligence in the girl’s death. It is therefore possible that the child has become the victim of a homicide.

Wundsiedel: A few days ago the children made Easter nests together

The facility where the 10-year-old was found dead takes care of children, adolescents and young adults “who cannot or cannot live permanently with their families”, as can be read on the website.

Not only do you accompany them on their way to adulthood. “We support children and young people intensively in their school and vocational training so that they can lead their lives independently and responsibly one day.”

How lovingly they take care of the children in the facility can be seen on their Facebook page, among other things. So the children made Easter nests and Easter bunnies together with their supervisors at the weekend. It says: “We hope for great finds”.

Around 80 professionals work at the facility

A youth disco also took place a few days ago. The postings show children and young people dancing exuberantly in a room decorated with balloons. Just a few days later, a young girl is dead – it must be a shock for all residents and caregivers.

According to the website, around 80 specialists work in the youth welfare facility. These include educators, curative education nurses, pedagogues and psychologists. They do the necessary “educational, curative education and psychological work”.

In particular, the stability in the relationship between the employees and the children, adolescents and young adults accommodated in the facility is “an indispensable companion”.

Mayor expresses his condolences on Facebook

In Wunsiedel, however, there is dismay. Nicolas Lahovnik, the mayor of the municipality, reports with a post on Facebook from his Easter vacation and speaks of “appalling news”. “My sympathy goes to those affected, the family, the other children in the home and the staff of the facility.”

What exactly happened, how the 10-year-old died, is now the subject of the current investigation. According to the information, specialists secured extensive traces in the facility.

According to a spokeswoman, the criminal police have also formed a special commission. The police and public prosecutor’s office initially did not provide any further information for reasons of investigation tactics.

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