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“ATAV 2”: Thirteen bets on the return of the Moretti and the Salvat

After the departure of Marcelo Tinelli’s channel, and without having yet guaranteed the airing of Mirtha Legrand, El Trece seeks to realign itself and will begin that project tonight, with the premiere of the long-awaited second season of “Argentina, land of love and revenge” , a novel produced by Pol-ka that was a success in 2019, the channel’s last great success in terms of fiction.

The series will return to the screen, however, with a completely renewed cast -Federico D’Elía, Justina Bustos, Malena Solda, Juan Gil Navarro, Federico Amador and Gloria Carrá will be some of its protagonists- and will premiere today at 10:15 p.m. sun screen.

While the plot of the first season took place in the ’30s, with the arrival of immigrants to the “promised land”, this time, the novel will make a significant leap in time to be located in the ’80s.

The story written by Lily Ann Martin and Claudio Lacelli takes place after the return to democracy in Argentina. Buenos Aires is convulsed by the winds of change that arose after the last military dictatorship in the country and the return of those who had to go into exile.

Most of his characters from the second part of “ATAV” will be linked to those of the first part: the descendants of the Moretti and the Salvat will be found.


The story of “ATAV 2” takes place after the return to democracy in Argentina, and will be crossed by the problems of that 80’s, including the disappearances of the dictatorship and the HIV epidemic.

The strip will begin in a Buenos Aires that is convulsed by the new winds of change that arose after the last dictatorship and the return of those who had to go into exile. The city is the epicenter of the meeting of the descendants of the Moretti families (Aldo Moretti and La Polaca, played in the first season by Gonzalo Heredia and China Suárez) and Salvat (Bruno Salvat and Lucia Morel, who in the first series played Albert Baró and Delfina Chávez).

But despite the changes that society is experiencing, nothing will be easy for the characters in the story, who must fight for love, the search for truth, dignity, their rights and for justice; going through a path full of obstacles, betrayals, disappointments, revenge, hatred, passions and loves, in a country that is advancing towards freedom, but still with a lot of darkness to go through.

Antonio (Toni Gelabert) is one of the strong young men in history. He is a journalist and a restless writer, and rebellion is in his genes, inherited from his grandmother Lucia (Delfina Chávez). Together with his father Pedro Salvat (Rafael Ferro) they return from Spain, where they were exiled by the military dictatorship. In 1977 they managed to go to Europe thanks to their lifelong friend, Rafael Machado (Federico D’elia).

For her part, Silvia (Julieta Díaz), Pedro’s wife and Antonio’s mother, who is pregnant, never reaches her destination and it is not known if she is alive or what happened to her baby.

Antonio is in love with his best friend, Segundo (Tato Quattordio), who is going to marry his girlfriend Pilar (Camila Mateos). Thanks to that disappointment, he will invest all his strength and rebellion in the search for the truth about his mother, who disappeared.

The problems of the 80s get into the new “ATAV”

Francisco (Federico Amador) is a doctor who begins to set up a care sector for people with HIV in his hospital. At that time the disease was unknown and those who suffered from it were discriminated against. All this has to be done secretly from the hospital director, Rafael (Federico D’Elía), who will act as the villain. In the same place, Francisco meets a radiologist, Luján (Belén Chavanne), daughter of Rafael. Luján is married to Tolo (Alan Daicz) and suffers abuse from her partner. Francisco and Luján fall in love and live an intense clandestine love story.

Ana Pérez Moretti (Justina Bustos), granddaughter of Raquel “La Polaca”, is a single mother and meets Ricardo Hills (Darío Barassi) and Horacio Hills (Juan Gil Navarro), who offers her a job in a revue theater as a vedette in Buenos Aires. Anita travels from Mar del Plata to the capital to be able to give better treatment to the disease suffered by her little son Tomi. There she will meet Charly Lombardo (Nacho Di Marco) by chance with whom she will live an intense love story. She will also discover, horrified, that Horacio Hills is none other than the nephew of Samuel Trauman (played in the first season of the strip by Fernán Mirás), the former “cafisho” who exploited her grandmother Raquel many years ago. Will Raquel’s granddaughter close that cycle of exploitation? And will she carry on her grandmother’s legacy?


Directed by Sebastian Pivotto and Alejandro Ibáñez and general production by Adrian Suar, the large cast is joined by prominent guest figures such as Silvia Kutika, Martin Bossi, Jose Maria Listorti and Roberto Peña; and the special participation of Virginia Lake.

The strip will mark the return of national fiction on the air of one of the two leading channels: since the pandemic, Telefé and El Trece have not put a local series on the air, during prime time. “Separated” was the last to be broadcast on these two signals, but the pandemic marked the end of its filming.

“ATAV 2” takes place in the 80s, with the descendants of the protagonists of the first part

National fiction has returned to the small screen anyway, on Public TV, but the two leading air channels had taken another course for their prime time, based on canned goods and, above all, entertainment and reality shows, a course which began to be oriented with the pandemic success of “Bake Off” and which was followed by “MasterChef”, “Big Brother”, “Sing with me now” and “The hotel of the famous”.

But El Trece was left without its great emblem in that area: Marcelo Tinelli will move his “Bailando” to América TV, so the sun channel decided to try a new strategy with the return of “ATAV”, which in its first season, in 2019, it became a huge success for the channel.

For this reason, the premiere of the series in prime time implies several movements: “Los 8 Escalones”, the program that precedes the strip, will go until 10:15 p.m. (and not 10:45 p.m., the original plan) and tonight it will deliver an award for the winner of three million (one million more than usual).

Justina Bustos, the daughter of La Polaca in “Atav 2”

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