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AT&T confirms internet leak of data of more than 73 million users

AT&T confirms internet leak of data of more than 73 million users

MIAMI.- The American telecommunications giant AT&T has confirmed the leak of personal information collected in more than 73 million user accounts and announced that it has launched an investigation in parallel with measures to contain the damage.

In a statement published this Saturday, AT&T confirms leaks in 7.6 million current accounts and 65.4 million accounts of former customers. Among the leaked data there is Social Security numbers and other types of personal information dated up to 2019.

Sensitive data

The company confirmed that the data was leaked two weeks ago although it does not know the origin of the leak.

As an initial measure, the ‘teleco’ has sent millions of messages to affected users to change their password immediately, although it still has no evidence that anyone has made unauthorized access to its system.

“The company is actively communicating with those affected and will offer them credit supervision at our expense in cases that may apply,” indicates the note, collected by Bloomberg.


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