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Attack on Cristina: another request against the judge

Judge Leopoldo Bruglia listens to the lawyers of the Vice / Télam

The lawyers of the vice president, Cristina Kirchner, ratified yesterday their request for the Buenos Aires judge María Eugenia Capuchetti to be removed from the case in which the attack suffered by the former president last September is being investigated. In a hearing in the Federal Chamber, before Judge Leopoldo Bruglia, the lawyers José Ubeira and Marcos Aldazábal defended the disqualification requested last January, arguing that the judge had ties to the political opposition.

In statements outside the courts, Ubeira stated that he has “little or zero expectations” that the Chamber will rule in favor of the request for recusal and said that they will eventually resort to the Criminal Cassation Chamber and international organizations.

The recusal presented in January is based on the alleged “incompatible activities” of Capuchetti for having a paid job as a researcher at the Higher Institute of Public Security (ISSP) in the city of Buenos Aires, which according to Fernández’s lawyers, is a body for “political” purposes to support and advise the Ministry of Justice and Security of the Government of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta.

For the vice president’s lawyers, Capuchetti’s salary depends on the Ministry of Justice and Security of the city of Buenos Aires, which was headed by Marcelo D’Alessandro until the beginning of January, accused by Kirchnerism of manipulating legal cases against Cristina.

“What interests us is to know who is the hand that is behind the hand that tried to kill Cristina Fernández and as long as the president of the PRO (Patricia Bullrich) does not repudiate the attack, we have to think that the extreme wing of the PRO is behind of all this,” accused Ubeira.

Cristina’s lawyers had already requested Capuchetti’s recusal last November, but the Justice rejected it, a measure that was appealed before the Criminal Cassation Chamber.

The complaint had requested that the hearing “be carried out orally and publicly, so that it can be transmitted by the means that VE (your excellency) deems appropriate”, although the objective was to enable its live broadcast, by Zoom . But the judge rejected it.

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