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Attack on Putin? Medvedev demands that Zelenskyy be killed

Russia’s ex-president Dmitry Medvedev calls for Zelenskyy’s assassination after the alleged drone attack on the Kremlin and Putin.

The rhetoric surrounding the alleged drone attack on the Kremlin and Vladimir Putin has intensified significantly: the former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev demands in return the “physical elimination” of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in response to the alleged Ukrainian attack. “After today’s act of terrorism, there is no other option than the physical elimination of Zelenskyy and his clique,” Medvedev wrote on Telegram on Wednesday.

in his eyes Selenskyj “Not needed to sign the surrender of Ukraine,” wrote Medvedev. “As is known, also has Hitler none (surrender) signed.” There will certainly be a deputy in the Ukraine like Hitler’s brief successor, Admiral Karl Dönitz.

Russian officials describe the allegedly attempted one drone attack on the Kremlin as a “planned act of terrorism and an assassination attempt”. Putin. The President was unharmed and there were no casualties. The Ukrainian government and Volodymyr Zelenskyy have so far rejected the accusation. Rather, it is a “staging” by Moscow.

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In Russia, the voices that the targeted assassination Demand Zelenskyjs. In response, the head of the Russian lower house, Vyacheslav Volodin, called for the government in Kiev to be “destroyed”. There could be “no negotiations” with Zelensky’s government.

Selenskyj rejected the accusation from Moscow. “We did not attack Putin,” he said at a press conference in Helsinki, where he surprisingly traveled on Wednesday. “We are fighting on our territory, we are defending our villages and towns,” said the Ukrainian president. He attended a summit of Nordic countries in the Finnish capital.

According to Russian information, two drones entered the Kremlin premises. Security forces then disabled the supposedly Ukrainian drones with an electronic defense system. Several shots on social networks are said to show how one of the drones hits the site and explodes. (fmg/dpa/afp)

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