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Attack on Titan Creator Reveals He’s Planning a New Manga

The story of Attack on Titan is about to come to an end, where its creator spent years of his life with eren jeager and the Titans, but lately he’s been on a break, but that could change soon.

And it is that, after all, hajime isayama closed its manga a few years ago, and the Attack on Titan anime will be closing its episodes for good this year, releasing its last episodes soon enough, which is why Isayama started the press for the finale a few months ago, and now, during a recent appearance. , the creator surprised fans when he announced that he will soon try to take up the pen again.

This update comes from Isayama’s recent appearance in France, where the creator showed up at a comic convention to talk about all things Attack on Titan and his career, so when asked about the future by a moderator, the creator said who had been working on a special project behind the scenes.

“This hasn’t been announced yet. But maybe I’ll pick up my pen and put out another 15 pages. I can’t promise anything, but thanks to all your cheers, I’ll do my best.” There you have it, Isayama hasn’t given up on the manga idea.

Rather, the artist had been enjoying his well-deserved vacation these days, but Isayama could be persuaded to post more in the future as long as the fans support him.

Now, as for what Isayama might write, well, that’s a good question. The artist has said time and time again that he has no plans to continue Attack on Titan, so there will be no sequels on the horizon, but there are parts of the story that he admits he would be interested in expanding on.

During an interview with crunchyroll at Anime NYC, Isayama said that he would be interested in further exploring Levi’s story. So if we’re lucky, so it might be that we learn more about humanity’s greatest soldier in the future, or not.

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