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Attacks workers’ burnout syndrome

Mexico ranks first in the world in cases of work stress, a problem associated with burnout, burnout syndrome or chronic work stress.

According to data from Pandapé, a Human Resources platform, seven out of 10 workers suffer from this problem, in addition to other factors of depression and anxiety derived from confinement.

According to data from the “Best Recruitment Practices” study, 55 percent of companies are still in the teleworking modality, so identifying, preventing, and avoiding psychosocial risks in remote work environments is positioned as a task criticism.

Haydée Jaime, Marketing and Communications specialist of said platform, said that cases of burnout have multiplied.

“Currently, many companies do not have clear strategies to reduce the effects on health and promote the safety of their workers, including the so-called burnout. It already affects 10 percent of the world population and has been recognized on the list of occupational diseases by the WHO since 2019,” he said.

He added that a basic recommendation is to approach prevention as a decisive factor, where establishing fluid communication is decisive.

“This ranges from making use of the appropriate digital tools to promote the prevention of risks and diseases, to avoiding the isolation of the worker through dynamics, talks with experts in psychology and a very clear policy of respect for privacy, working hours and the right to disconnect”, he commented.

The specialist highlighted that teleworking can decrease the sense of physical well-being due to factors such as lack of activity, increased sedentary lifestyle, decreased physical exercise associated with commuting from the workplace to home and vice versa, as well as eating disorders and related disorders. of ergonomic requirements.

For this reason, companies must provide teleworkers with an appropriate chair, as well as the necessary inputs for their adequate performance and the attachments that guarantee ergonomic and postural conditions.

He recalled that NOM 037 arose from the need to regulate the home office given the growth of this modality in the country.

The final version was approved on March 3, 2023, and will enter into force 180 calendar days after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF).

Among the 13 employer obligations that it establishes, is the prevention of psychosocial risks for workers, which can be promoted by incorporating breaks and rest times. (Iris Gonzalez)

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