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Attention business employees: how much will they earn in February, after a new salary increase

The union led by Armando Cavalieri closed an increase of more than 100%. How much will workers in the sector earn, according to their category?

For Alejandro DiBiasi

01/20/2023 – 00,49hs

Despite the marked differences that trade union organizations have today with the management of President Alberto Fernández, they know that his luck is directly related to a triumph of the Frente de Todos in the next presidential elections. They estimate that an arrival of the so-called “hawks” or “hards” will lead to progress against labor rights.

With this analysis, unions such as the Unión Tranviarios Automotor (UTA) or the Argentine Federation of Commerce and Services Employees (Faecys) decided to align themselves with the idea of ​​the Casa Rosada de guide increases that are in the order of 60 percent. In these two cases, the difference lies in the fact that the bus drivers headed by Roberto Fernández achieved 31 percent corresponding to the first half of the year, as a way of “betting” on a drop in inflation.

Meanwhile, the merchants led by Armando Cavalieri closed the 2022-2023 parity, after an agreement with the Argentine Confederation of Medium Enterprises (CAME), the Argentine Chamber of Commerce and Services (CAC), the Union of Argentine Commercial Entities (UDECA ). With this agreement, the 2022-2023 parity of the Trade Employees union is finally closed under CCT 130/75.

How the increase is applied and how much was the annual parity

The improvement consists of 22.9 percent which will be paid in two remunerative and cumulative tranches in the following way:

  • 13 percent in Februarytaking December as the calculation base (remunerative plus non-remunerative).
  • 9.9 percent in Marchtaking February as the calculation base (remunerative plus non-remunerative).

It should be noted that the increases are remunerative, but the calculation bases will be the basic salaries of the agreement and the non-remunerative amount of 59.5 percent that was established in May of last year. The 22.9 percent added to the 59.5 of the first tranche totals 82.4 percent in nominal terms, but since it is the last agreement and they have a different calculation base, the increase exceeds 100% year-on-year.

Commerce employees agreed to a 101% salary increase with the Ministry of Labor and business chambers.

Commerce employee salary in February

In addition to these categories are those of driver and driver’s assistant, additional for window assembly and special regimes.

Seniority is 1% per year worked and must be applied to the new remuneration figures. Regarding presenteeism, the remuneration figures must be increased with the complementary allowance established by article 40 of the collective labor agreement 130/75

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