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Audacious and millionaire robbery in the Buenos Aires Bar Association of La Plata

Nothing was left to chance. It was a coup planned to the smallest detail. That is the conclusion of the investigators of the audacious robbery to the Bar Association of the province of Buenos Aires (Colproba) at its La Plata headquarters on Calle 14 between 46 and 47.

The incident was discovered on Monday morning, but it is suspected that it took place over the course of the entire weekend.. They believe that during the day of Friday, January 6, they removed the light fuses and, once the alarm had no power or the possibility of being replenished, they entered to execute the master plan.

According to the first information and by a survey at a glance, the shrewd crime seized “all computers, televisions and money, among other items”detailed the tuition sources consulted by

Spokespersons for the entity assured that it was a “millionaire” coup in pesos and that it was not executed by “beginners”. “There was an idea and how to carry out the commando coup, in the absence of everyone,” they said. This diagnosis is shared by the police sleuths who went to the crime scene with the aim of collecting traces and evidence to find the perpetrators.

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