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Audrey Hepburn’s 5 Wellness Rules

Audrey Hepburn’s 5 Wellness Rules

Of audrey hepburn we learned many things, also about well-being and positivity. Undoubtedly, she left a legacy of beautiful phrases and lessons linked to the emotional field. To show a saying, one of his most inspiring phrases: “I think in pink. I think laughing is the best way to burn calories. I believe in kisses, in kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to go wrong. And I think that the happy girls are the most beautiful. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.”

In just these lines the actress managed to summarize part of the essence of peace of mind. Today in The Truth News we go over some of the best wellness hacks we learned from her.

5 tips from Audrey Hepburn to generate well-being

  • Learn to work insecurity

The author of “Audrey Hepburn: The Biography”, Donald Spoto, speaks on several occasions about the insecurity in herself that the actress felt, who at the same time had great discipline, capacity for work and dedication to others.

He refers to one of Hepburn’s statements where he remembered what it was like to reflect on working on that insecurity thanks to Cary Grant. “One day when she must have been nervous or restless, Cary told me something very important. We were sitting together, waiting for the next take, and she took my hands in hers and whispered, “You’ve got to learn to like yourself a little more.” It was something the actress thought about a lot.

  • Enjoy the little things

Let’s talk passionately about the importance of training positivity, something Hepburn worked on throughout her life. In fact, she learned to be positive even when circumstances didn’t make it easy for her. She often felt depressed and unhappy with herself.

However, despite the bad times, he learned to train hope.

His son, Luca Dotti, explained it during an interview. “He had more than a positive outlook. She was naive as a child. Every time she found something new, or she went to the market, or she found a new recipe, she would get excited like a little girl.

Looking for positive emotions in the small pleasures of life is also taking care of our mental health.

Audrey had a petite build, standing at five foot seven and weighing 120 pounds, but she enjoyed cooking for others and eating two of her favorite foods: pasta and chocolate. She never skipped breakfast, she ate a little of everything-although she gave priority to cereals, vegetables and fruits-and she enjoyed it.

  • The importance of thinking of others

Solidarity is also a way of caring for one’s own well-being and that of others. The act of giving positions us in a place of mental rest, making the effort to be there for the other keeps us from remaining in an emotional block. Actions of care and responsibility towards the people around us give us a psychological sensation of tranquility and serenity.

  • Look for moments alone (positively)

Psychologists say it, looking for moments to be alone is a stronghold to connect with our emotions and is healthy for the mind. And so did Hepburn in an interview. “I would be very happy if I spent Saturday night until Monday morning alone in my apartment. That’s how I recharge my energy.”

It might interest you: 5 habits to rediscover yourself

What is wellness?

According to the WHO, well-being is the state in which “a person can perform their own abilities and can cope with factors that may disturb them.” It is a holistic, comprehensive concept.

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