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Autoraser delivers a wild race with the police in Bottrop

A driver flees from the police at high speed. In the wild chase through Bottrop, pedestrians and cars had to avoid him.

After a banned car race, the police arrested a 28-year-old driver. Before he was arrested, the man from Duisburg had committed a wild chase through Bottrop to near the B 224 federal road while fleeing from the police. The officers also found weapons, drugs and a large amount of cash in his car.

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The speeder apparently didn’t even have a driver’s license with him. The police filed several criminal charges against the man from Duisburg, for example because of the ban on motor vehicle racing, suspected illegal drug trafficking, violation of the weapons law, driving without a license and several traffic accident reports.

The police noticed an expired TÜV sticker on the car

As reported by the police, a patrol car wanted to stop the Duisburger on Easter Saturday around 12 p.m. on Scharnholzstrasse and check them because the officials had noticed that the TÜV sticker had been exceeded. The police gave him stop signals. However, the driver did not respond to this. That’s why the officials switched on the blue lights and the siren shortly afterwards. However, the 28-year-old driver continued to ignore the request to stop and continued his journey, the police describe the course of events.

The man accelerated his car again and again, changed the direction of travel several times and ignored the red light several times. A pedestrian had to rush to the side. Oncoming cars also had to give way to the driver. Because the man had hit oncoming traffic with his car at the Horster Straße/Ostring intersection before continuing his journey on the right side.

The getaway car crashed into the guardrail

Because of a traffic jam, the speeder then had to slow down and slow down on the B 224 near Prosperstraße. He initially stopped on the hard shoulder. However, when the police officers pulled up behind him, he accelerated his vehicle again. However, the driver crashed his car into the central barrier and collided with the patrol car directly behind him when reversing.

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When everyone got out of the car, the man from Duisburg ran away, the police reported. The 28-year-old jumped over the central barrier and crossed the main road. However, the police caught him in a meadow nearby and arrested him. The police handcuffed the man and then searched him. One officer was slightly injured during the operation, but remained able to work.

Police officers find knives, batons and drugs

During the search, officers found a knife, a baton and a three-figure sum of cash. They then found what appeared to be a large amount of drugs in the car. The officers secured everything and arrested the man provisionally. According to the police, there was no evidence of the consumption of alcohol or drugs by the speeder himself.

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