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Autumn campus 2023: Submit lectures and workshops for the conference now

From September 5th to 7th, 2023 it is now available 16th edition of the autumn campus at. The of heise Developer, iX and dpunkt.verlag The event, organized together with the IT service provider Mathem, is primarily aimed at professional developers from the corporate environment. Interested developers can now apply with lectures and all-day workshops up to and including May 2nd. As usual, this year’s autumn campus will be held at the Bahnhofstraße location of the Nuremberg Georg Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences.

The autumn campus traditionally covers a wide range of topics that is not limited to a specific programming platform. Professional software development with Java, .NET and web development dominate, but the conference also looks beyond that at the fundamental aspects of programming paradigms, software architecture and quality. Interested parties can find an overview of the possible topics and suggestions for their submissions on the website of the Call for Proposals provide. Those responsible for the program at the Herbstcampus consciously attach importance to always enriching the conference agenda with topics outside the mainstream.

At the Herbstcampus, participants can expect a professional and relaxed environment with lots of practice-oriented information for everyday work. The presentations at the main conference on September 6th and 7th are designed to last 70 minutes each – and thus significantly longer than at many other developer conferences. The all-day workshops planned for September 5 each last a good six to seven hours.

Closing date for Contributions to the Call for Proposals is May 2nd. From the collected submissions, the program committee will then put together a complete conference agenda of around 40 sessions by around the end of May or the beginning of June.


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