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Avatar 2 sets box office records, but still disappoints

Avatar 2 does not stop any more and is on the verge of crushing a historic record. James Cameron walks on his own toes, it had to be done. However, the film finds a way to disappoint in the USA.

WhileAvatar 2: The Way of the Water crossed the symbolic threshold of 2 billion recently, the film now exceeds one by one the most profitable films in history. And even if director James Cameron has already fulfilled all his objectives with flying colors, he can now aim for the top 3 and make history for good. Guess what, that’s what’s happening. And yet, all is not so glorious as that if we are to believe the very first estimates.

Avatar 2 sets world box office records…

whether we like it or not, Avatar 2: The Way of the Water literally atomizes the box office by chaining records. After a timid start, in particular because of the World Cup, the film took off and never stopped. Marvel Movies, Top Gun Maverick and other record-breaking feature films have all given way to James Cameron’s monument. Avatar 2 is now positioned as the fourth highest-grossing film in all of cinema history, just $100 million from titanic and its 2.2 billion. Cameron is therefore on the point of crushing his own record, a historic record by the way since titanic is the oldest film of all the top 10. Around him, we find in particular Avatar (2009) in first position with 2.89 billion dollars, avengers endgame and its $2.80 billion in second place, or Star wars 7 (2.07 billion), which has just been relegated to fifth place.

… but is much more shy than expected in the USA

On the American territory, on the other hand, the film is disappointing, even if, paradoxically, it still explodes the records. Avatar 2 just surpassed Star Wars 7 by crossing the bar of 620 million dollars raised and is now aiming for the first avengers and its 623 million. It’s a very nice score. However, given the records on a world scale, and according to the first estimates, it should have literally exploded everything in its path and this is not the case.
From the start, Avatar 2 struggled to take off and even turned out to be very disappointing, well below the successful director’s expectations. James Cameron will also explain later that he had obviously “miscalculated his profitability”. The prowess on national soil remains beautiful, but much less flashy than on a global scale. Since with its recipes on American soil, Avatar 2: The Way of the Water will only manage to enter the Top 10 of the most profitable films only narrowly, where it should have been there for weeks if we are to believe the first forecasts. Everyone has their problems and disappointments.

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