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Avellaneda and the Rural Dialogue Table advance in the improvement of infrastructure

Through joint work between Avellaneda and the Rural Dialogue Tableprogress was made in the improvement of communication channels in the sector west of Moussy.

“We know what the connectivity and good condition of rural roads for the families located in that environment, their productions and their daily life. For this reason, we are advancing with the improvement of communication channels in favor of productive development”, highlighted the Mayor Gonzalo Braidot.

Work started on Monday. It is a investment of almost $3 million, financed with credits given to producers, for the optimization of 1200 meters of infrastructure with stones. To meet this objective, the Municipality provides soil, sand, the labor of municipal staff and the machinery to carry out the tasks.

“We thus fulfill our commitment to continue accompanying our producers“, indicated from the Government of Avellaneda.

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