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Avoid fines: You should always have this item in your car

Very few drivers have never received a fine. According to, the most frequent fines are due to speed violations.

In second place is the use of cell phones at the wheel. This can easily be avoided.

Mobile phone use while driving is prohibited: It can be so expensive

Many drivers are aware that they are not allowed to use their mobile phones while driving. Nevertheless, many do not stick to it, because the curiosity about received messages is often too great.

In addition to a fine, there can even be a point in Flensburg. Loud you may face the following penalties:

  • Using a mobile phone while driving a car: one point in Flensburg and a fine of 100 euros
  • With danger: Two points in Flensburg, one month driving ban and 150 euros fine
  • With damage to property: Two points in Flensburg, a month’s driving ban and a fine of 200 euros
  • By the way: There is also a fine of 55 euros for using a mobile phone while cycling.

Mobile phone holder can save you from a fine

In order not to risk a fine – or even a point in Flensburg – it is worth investing in a certain item. Because: The use of a mobile phone or tablet is only prohibited if you hold the device in your hands. This means that briefly looking at the smartphone, for example, is not strictly prohibited.

Check out cell phone holders on Amazon

So if you get a holder for your cell phone or tablet, you can take a look at the screen without fear of a fine.

In order to find the right mobile phone holder for you, it is worth considering which holder fits your car best before you buy it. There are three common models, each of which is attached to the windshield, in the vent or on the dashboard. You also have to think about the size of the bracket. If you use a smartphone, you need a different type of holder than with a tablet. It is also advisable to find out whether the holder requires an additional magnet, which must first be attached to the smartphone or tablet.

If you take all these considerations into account, you will quickly find the perfect mobile phone holder for your car and risk one less fine.

Also interesting: A bottle opener is hidden in every car – you never know where it is

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