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Baby Lores promotes a music academy for children with special needs in Miami

Baby Lores promotes a music academy for children with special needs in Miami

Music can work miracles and so? Baby Lores He has been able to fully verify this by helping children with special needs in Miami through the proyecto BL Music Academy.

The Cuban singer is currently promoting this emotional well-being academy in which using innovative, fun and creative ways teaches music to children with autism, Down syndrome, ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), language problems, various emotional damages and other developmental disorders.

In interview with CyberCubaBaby Lores said that the project emerged in the middle of the pandemic when he had to reinvent himself like many artists: “I realized that I liked teaching as much as being an artist.. “I liked teaching children as much, I enjoyed it as much as being on stage myself.”

“When I uploaded the first post that I was going to teach music classes, many parents began to contact me, not only in Miami, but also in other states, and I started teaching online classes, and among those parents, some who had children with disabilities contacted me. special needs, with autism, cerebral palsy, dysplasia, etc.,” commented the singer.

“Normally, when these children are given an aptitude test at any music school, if they do not meet the physical, ear or intonation requirements, they are rejected, and They are children who love music but perhaps their physical conditions do not allow them to be academy musicians,” he explained.

Baby Lores confessed that the first time a child with these special needs arrived, he did not have the courage to say no to the parents: “Although I did not have the physical conditions to play a piano or a guitar, I was so impacted by the energy and desire with who came from being an artist and enjoying music that I had to find a method to help him.”

The artist added that They use music as therapy but the goal is to make it funas a kind of game to make the child feel good emotionally: “We have children who have never had visual, verbal or physical contact and we have managed to get those children to sing, have visual and physical contact.”

A very positive aspect is that It is a family projectIn addition to infants, adults in the family can also learn music together with them.

The academy as such will officially start in January 2024 and throughout the month of December they will be in the recruiting process, and the goal is to form a jazz band made up of children playing live music.

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