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Back health: focus on children, sensitize schools

Professional Association for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery eV

Berlin (ots)

Back pain does not only occur in adults, but is an increasing health problem for children and adolescents. On the occasion of Back Health Day on March 15, 2023, the Professional Association for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery eV (BVOU) emphasizes the need for educational and prevention programs and provides schools with free information and exercise material that can be integrated directly into school lessons.

Back pain in children can have various causes and should never be downplayed. Structural diseases (scoliosis, kyphosis, spondylolisthesis, etc.) and destructive diseases (inflammation, tumors, injuries, etc.) are found here, as well as non-specific back pain, which is also present in children and adolescents. Poor posture, inactivity and weight gain play an increasing role in the latter – with serious consequences for the rest of your life. “Children and adolescents who have already had an episode of back pain are also more likely to develop back pain in adulthood,” explains Dr. Burkhard Lembeck, President of the BVOU. Structural conditions, biomechanical musculoskeletal processes or psychosocial stressful situations contribute to the development of back pain. “That’s why it’s important to give schools the best possible support with prevention programs against back pain,” he adds.

Integrate prevention programs directly into school lessons

With the prevention and awareness campaign ” Orthofit campaign – Showing your attitude” at schools, the BVOU has been doing for years where the children spend most of the day sitting. Teachers can under Request material with exercise and information material free of charge. “We have prepared class sets with index cards and information brochures, which we send to the schools free of charge,” explains BVOU Managing Director Dr. Joerg Ansorg. “With Christian Bahrmann we created exercise videos with catchy names like back rodeo or floating seat into the memory of the children.” With the class sets, teachers can organize health lessons with their classes and motivate them to exercise and exercise on a regular basis.

“The aim is to raise children’s and parents’ awareness of the healthy development of the musculoskeletal system. The motivation to exercise more and for continuous preventive care plays a particularly important role,” emphasizes Dr. Anna-Katharina Doepfer, pediatric orthopaedist from Hamburg.

The Orthofit campaign reaches more children every year

As early as 2022, 323 schools from all over Germany with a total of 61,680 children took part in the “Orthofit campaign – show attitude”. Material can be requested from the BVOU office all year round. The KiKA moderator Christian Bahrmann has been the ambassador of the campaign for many years, and the acting Federal Minister of Health, Prof. Karl Lauterbach, has traditionally patronized the event.

Press contact:

Janosch Kuno
106 – 108 June 17th Street
10623 Berlin

Original content from: Professional Association for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery eV, transmitted by news aktuell

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