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Báez Sosa case: the sixth day will have the contribution of professionals

Monday, January 9, 2023 | 3:00 a.m.

The coroner who performed the autopsy on the body of Fernando Báez Sosa, four doctors, two policemen and municipal and judicial officials are the witnesses who will testify today on the sixth day of the trial to which the eight rugby players accused of to beat to death the young law student at the door of a nightclub in Villa Gesell in January 2020.

There are 10 witnesses summoned to testify before the Oral Criminal Court (TOC) 1 of Dolores during the first day corresponding to the second week of the trial for the crime of Báez Sosa (18).

Although at first it was scheduled that more than 50 witnesses testify during this week, many of them were not finally notified by the parties, so the number is expected to be less than initially scheduled.

The first of the witnesses will be the forensic doctor Diego Duarte, who performed the autopsy operation on the body of the murdered young man.

In his statement during the investigation stage of the case, Duarte assured that the victim’s body “had massive intracranial hemorrhage, bruising, and excoriation on the left side of the neck and jaw,” in addition to “the imprint of a shoe mark.” .

Silvana De Piero, the forensic pathologist who performed the histopathological tests on the victim, will also testify. Meanwhile, then it will be the turn of the ambulance doctor Carolina Silvana Garibaldi Larrosa, and her colleague Patricia Liliana Gómez.

Another summoned to give his testimony before the judges tomorrow is the doctor Alejandro Javier Verlatsky, who extracted blood samples from the initially 10 defendants in the case for the crime, two of whom were later dismissed.

Meanwhile, four other policemen will add their testimonies to the colleagues who already declared the first week of the debate. On this occasion they will be a cash and an official of the municipality of Villa Gesell who obtained the security cameras of the area of ​​the “Le Brique” bowling alley, from which Fernando was taken along with his friends on the one hand and, on the other, the accused.

In addition, the Buenos Aires policeman Ramón Rueda will testify, who identified a witness who saw the rugby player Máximo Thomsen make an aggressive gesture when he was still inside the “Le Brique” nightclub, moments before the attack on Fernando on the public highway.

The day will end with the testimonies of three judicial officials who were present at the scene in the first hours after it happened. For the following day, experts and members of the Scientific Police are summoned, and on Wednesday the 11th they will testify forensics and Federal Police officers who carried out different expertise requested by the prosecution, among others.

On Thursday the 12th, members of the SubDDI of Villa Gesell will testify, a friend of the rower Pablo Ventura, initially incriminated in the act; experts who swabbed the defendants and judicial officials.

And the second week of testimonies will close with the testimony of witnesses to the alleged confrontation that occurred inside the bowling alley before both groups were expelled, and teachers and relatives of Báez Sosa.

During the first week of the trial, in which 47 witnesses testified, the accused Máximo Thomsen, Luciano and Ciro Pertossi, Enzo Comelli and Matías Benicelli were identified as the victim’s direct aggressors, while two other rugbiers, Lucas Pertossi and Ayrton Viollaz, were placed among those who harangued or beat up his friends who tried to defend him.

The only defendant who was not mentioned as actively participating in the incident in any of the five hearings was Blas Cinalli, although a young woman who testified misquoted her name and a police officer said she was present at the scene, according to one of the the videos that recorded the scene of the attack and that were shown during the debate.

In at least six of the statements, Thomsen was mentioned as a direct aggressor of Báez Sosa: a young man who was vacationing in Gesell said he saw him “kicking him in the head, like punctures”; Four of Fernando’s friends and a shopkeeper pointed out that he hit him “in the chest” when he was already on the floor, that he kicked him “three times in the jaw” and that the blows had “the intent to kill.”

One of Fernando’s friends located Luciano Pertossi as a second attacker of the victim and said that he saw him give him “pineapples in the face.”

This defendant was also identified by five witnesses as part of the group, and some of them specified that he attacked those who tried to get close.

In addition to the charge for “aggravated homicide by treachery and by the premeditated competition of two or more people”, the rugby players are being tried for the injuries suffered by the victim’s friends.

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