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Balance after forest fire season: Brandenburg put 40 million euros in fire and disaster control

This year, the state supported fire and disaster control in Brandenburg, which is plagued by forest fires, with more than 40 million euros. This was announced by the Ministry of the Interior on Tuesday in a first balance sheet. The forest fire season this year has clearly shown how important well-staffed and technically well-positioned defenses are, explained Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU).

The money flowed into technical equipment, fire brigade infrastructure and the supply of extinguishing agents. Among other things, investments were made in special technology. 35 forest fire extinguishing vehicles and 5 high-performance conveyor systems on all-terrain swap body vehicles were procured. According to the information, these are specially designed and equipped for country-specific requirements.

Brandenburg has the largest proportion of munitions-contaminated areas in Germany, where forest fires often break out. There are conversion areas – areas that are burdened by the withdrawal of Russian troops – as well as areas that were once used for military purposes. On 350,000 hectares ordnance from the Second World War is suspected.

Over eleven million euros have been invested in the infrastructure of the fire brigades. 27 weirs and one district benefited from this. A total of over 37 million euros in funding was realised. The money primarily goes to the construction and renovation of fire stations.

improved water supply

According to further information, 61 wells and extinguishing water tanks in 15 offices, municipalities and cities can be newly built or renovated with state funding. The improvement of the extinguishing water supply was subsidized with around 1.4 million euros.

According to the ministry, more than 300 measures out of more than 400 applied for in 2021 were supported this year. In addition, out of over 700 applications received this year, 150 measures have already been approved.

In addition, the state supports the affected municipalities with the costs of the forest fires in four major damage events with 1.13 million euros. The state will cover 60 percent of the application costs for the forest fires in Gohrischheide, Falkenberg/Kölsa (both Elbe-Elster), Lieberoser Heide (Dahme-Spreewald) and in Frohnsdorf and Beelitz (both Potsdam-Mittelmark).

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